Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Cadence Arrives!

Cadence Olivia made her arrival on Tuesday night at 9:00 pm on August 10, 2010. I went into Labor & Delivery with the feeling of contractions but nothing too strong. I wanted the nurse to check to make sure i was not leaking my fluids and sure enough, i was! The contractions were about 2 min apart when they hoooked me up to the monitors so needless to say....i was in labor and she was coming that night!! Maddie and Nana waited in the waiting room to hear from Les on what to do. They admitted me at 5:30 pm and around 7:00 pm the doctor came in and broke my water. I was then in "real" labor and waiting very patiently for the doctor to come give me the epidural. Once that happened, i was good to go! I had the epidural around 7:30 and Cadence arrived at 9:00 pm. It was an easy delivery and i am so glad she is here even though she was early.
She weighed 6 lbs. 2 oz. and 19 1/4 in.long. She was born at 36 weeks 5 days. Almost a month early but she measured great and has had no problems since birth! We are so blessed and Thank God for a healthy little girl.